Retiree Confidence In Ability To Afford Comfortable Retirement Increases

The 26th wave of the Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), the longest-running survey of its kind in the nation, finds that American workers’ confidence in their ability to afford a comfortable retirement has maintained its increase after the record lows experienced between 2009 and 2013.
Keep Family Businesses Going for Generations

According to, 80-90% of all firms across the globe and the top 500 largest family-owned firms generate a combined annual revenue of $6.5 trillion which totals an economy only smaller than the U.S. and China.
Put Social Media Networking site to Work for your Family Business

Traditional media outlets such as newspapers, radio and television have long served the purpose of delivering one-way messages, like your company’s advertising. Social media, by contrast, uses Web-based platforms to not only deliver your message, but to allow the recipient to participate.
Financial Benefits from Hiring Your Children

It can be difficult in the current job market for young people and recent college graduates to find full time and summer jobs. Business owners with children in this situation may be able to provide them with valuable experience and income while generating tax and financial savings for themselves.