Want to File an Amended Tax Return?

Let’s say you discover a deduction that was overlooked on a federal tax return that has already been filed. Or you realize that you didn’t report some income. Perhaps you heard about a recently passed tax law that includes retroactive tax breaks you can benefit from.

How the IRS Proves Fraud and Why It Can Be Devastating

In general, a tax assessment by the IRS is presumed to be correct. A taxpayer can overcome the presumption with proof. That situation is reversed when the IRS asserts fraud. In those instances, the IRS must prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that fraud exists.

Be on “High Alert” for Scams from Those Claiming to be from the IRS

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) urges taxpayers to be on “high alert” about IRS employee impersonators. According to TIGTA, since October 2013, thieves have stolen millions of dollars from taxpayers believing the fraudulent calls saying that they owed the government money and cash needed to be sent immediately.